Online Math Is Cool Contest – Grades 6-8 – Feb. 10, 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, Academics Are Cool is offering the Math Is Cool contest as an online event.  We are running this in a format as close to our normal in-person contests as possible, with the standard events except that Relay is replaced with a new event.

Adaptations for the online format include the following:

Sample Test

As a warm-up and example to practice the process for written tests, a Sample Test is provided here.

  1. When instructed to begin, open the Sample Test answer sheet.  Fill in your Participant ID and first/last name, then proceed to answer the questions.
  2. When the answer sheet is completed, press 'Submit' to record your answers.

Contest Overview and Schedule

We will conduct the six contest events in the standard order, per the schedule outlined below.  Mental Math and Individual tests must be completed by the student themselves, with no outside help.  The Multiple Choice, Team Test, Triple Jump, and College Bowl are team events, for which you can use any convenient method (phone, text, Skype, Zoom, etc.) to communicate with the other students on your team of four.  Only the first submission by any team member will count as the team answer sheet for the contest.  Be sure you have everything (online access, pencil, scratch paper, etc.—but calculators or other aides are not allowed) ready before the 3:30 pm starting time.

Participants should have received the webinar meeting link, participant ID, and team-of-four assignment from your coach.  If a coach has forgotten the meeting link or participant IDs, contact us for help prior to 3:20 pm.  Include your name and school in the request.  If a participant is uncertain about their participant ID, math class, or team/grade level, they can confirm that information with their coach or on the participant list. Coaches can note any errors related to the math class by e-mailing the Webinar Manager after the contest, but by 8:00pm with the participant ID, student name, school, and correct math class.

3:30 pm  Welcome and Mental Math

4:00 - 4:35 pm   Individual Test

4:45 - 5:00 pm  Multiple Choice

5:10 - 5:25 pm  Team Test

5:40 - 5:55 pm  Triple Jump

6:00 - 6:40 pm  College Bowl

6:45 - 8:00 pm  Dispute Submittal Opportunity

You may provide feedback on your online contest experience to the Webinar Manager.